Emery Marc Petchauer

@JohnPhilpin Thanks for asking. I guess the idea of cross-linking makes a lot of sense to me now after digging into the ZK community and related platform use and reading Taking Smart Notes. I cross-link in a crude way with my task/action list (I use the mission, front/back burner approach from WORK CLEAN) by pointing myself in my action list to where the info/background info is to complete the action (e.g., in an email folder, notes folder, etc.). I hadn't thought of that expanded practice with PKM. My output is mostly academic articles, and I'm usually left with some scraps after writing an article but not a "second brain" that expands beyond the process. I can definitely see the benefit and hope to work toward that on Obsidian. I've been playing around with Drafts too as a possible substitute for my use of the Note app that comes with iOS. I basically use it to store info I'll need for certain tasks but not so much for knowledge work. There's a lot of bells and whistles with Drafts that I need to get my head around, but I think it could replace Notes, esp if I can get it into a workflow with Obsidian. The one thing that is essential for my daily action list is having a table to organize tasks and having it synced on phone and computer. You can make a markdown table in Drafts, but that isn't visually organized enough to organize my tasks like the straight table in Notes. So we'll see.